Thursday, June 30, 2011

Last minute birthday...

It seems that I'm starting to have some "regulars." Well, one at least. The mom of one of my students is apparently the queen of parties, and has requested cupcakes from me 3 times since the end of school :D She was the beach lady, the 4th of July lady, and now she's the "how late is too late to order some cupcakes" lady ;) With some family in town and a niece's birthday quickly approaching, she requested some simply frosted, but not girly (absolutely no pink or flowers) cupcakes.
Here was the end result:
Vanilla with vanilla buttercream
Chocolate with vanilla cream cheese
And NO pink (well, there might be a pink sprinkle or two, shhhhh)!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Flower bouquet

For her little girl's 10th birthday, a friend of mine requested the pretty spring flowers that I had done once before. I must say, the second time around it was much easier and they turned out so adorable! I must be getting the hang of this :)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday, Gavin!

My mom and I worked long into the night on these special cupcakes for my nephew's first birthday! His mom and dad wanted to keep it pretty simple with just balloons, but if you know me, I don't do simple real well ;) So I tried something new... The confetti and balloons are actually sugar paper. It is really fun to work with if you want super thin paper-like designs. And it tastes good- bonus! Gavin loved his first taste of cake and successfully demolished his entire cupcake into a pile of "crumbles." The adults at the party seemed to like the cupcakes as well and were amazed that you could actually eat the decorations. Fun!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

In a galaxy far, far away...

... some super cute cupcakes were being made! Here are the Star Wars themed cupcakes I made for a student of mine for his birthday. Happy birthday James, hope you enjoyed them :)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Ok, so I lost this one... I wanted to make some really spectacular-looking cupcakes for Father's Day, but Mark begged and pleaded for, "plain 'ol red velvet and cream cheese frosting." I couldn't take the whining anymore and since it IS his day and all, I gave in. First time's the charm on this one, because I did find a very perfect red velvet cake recipe to add to my menu- yum!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Happy 4th of July! A little early...

Was a little nervous to try out my first rainbow cake... but they turned out beautifully- inside and out! These are the cupcakes I made for a patriotic-themed party. Don't know if I'm crazy about the fireworks or not, but I definitely loved the handmade stars and all in all, the variety looked great together!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Flower girl

These were for a teacher friend of mine. Her daughter turned 7 this weekend. My first attempt at flowers, pretty good right?!

School's out for the summer!

These are some beach cupcakes I made for an end of school/beginning of summer party. They were pretty time consuming, but turned out spectacular!


I made these crocodiles for my son's last day at daycare. He loves crocodiles- rawwwr!

Lil' monsters

Monster cupcakes I made for an ELE (pre-kindergarten) class whose mascot is the monsters. So this was just perfect for a bunch of three and four year old lil' monsters!

Mother's Day flower bouquets

Flower bouquets I made for the my mother in law and sister in law for Mother's Day 2011