Saturday, September 3, 2011

Henna inspired

I must say that these cupcakes were a roller coaster of emotions! When my friend told me that she was doing an Indian-themed baby shower, complete with a henna blessing on the belly of the momma-to-be, I was instantly excited. I hopped right onto the computer to do some research, practiced a few designs and honestly couldn't wait to do them!
As the day drew closer and closer, however, the more nervous I got. I was really apprehensive about my henna-ing skills... But as I piped one henna cupcake, then another, then another, I lost my fear and actually made up a few designs of my own. Boy did I impress myself :) I think they turned out beautiful! (Of course, my perfectionist side made me want to re-do each and every one of them until the lines were the exact same thickness, equally spaced and proportioned. I finally had to give in, and learn to love the imperfections that are just plain ol' human nature.) I'm very proud of these, they're quite stunning!